Get Involved

“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” This often quoted phrase has much deeper meaning than mere words. It is said that Australia’s involvement in the First World War was this country’s coming of age. The young men who volunteered to fight in parts of the world that many hadn’t even heard of, were going into what they saw as an adventure. That ‘adventure’ was the last for many and for those who returned, they were changed forever – as was the nation. It is the duty of present generations to ensure that the generations to come are aware of what has gone before and encouraged to honour our past whilst building the future.


Feel free to follow us on our Facebook page, Kingston Avenue of Honour.

You are very welcome to contact us by email or through our Facebook and come along to our meetings. We invite everyone to join us for our Anzac Day and Remembrance Day services, which we hold every year.Remembrance Day is our main event, as the Creswick-Smeaton RSL have a number of events in Creswick for Anzac Day.

We typically have a working bee prior to each event to tidy up the Avenue, removing weeds and suckers around the trees and removing rubbish from in the Avenue. We have an invitation on Facebook before these events and have a free BBQ after the working bee for all our helpers.

Typically in April and May and from October to December, we hold a plant stall at the Creswick Market, to raise money for the trees in the Avenue.


The Kingston Remembers Resource Centre has just been launched at the Commercial@Kingston, incorporating the original Honour Board from the Kingston State School, and an immersive diorama featuring loaned and donated artefacts including photographs, medals and trench art. We have also been locating and filming videos and stories of the people commemorated in the Avenue. For more information about the launch, please visit